To provide motivational, multi-dimensional conferences of hope, joy, and peace to people living in the “pit” of the distress they have experienced in life.


Studies find that more Americans suffering from stress, anxiety and depression. An estimated 8.3 million American adults suffer from serious psychological distress. More Americans than ever before are stressed, depressed and anxiety-ridden, and many are unable to get the help they need.

We encounter the faces stress, anxiety, depression, etc. on a daily basis. These people walk among us daily in silent torment, unnoticed and suffering inside. Are these feelings coming from the pressures of being a single mother; a dad overwhelmed trying to make ends meet by working three jobs ; a college student that really does not want to be in college but fears of disappointing the parents; a woman or girl in an abusive relationship; an ex-offender that employers won’t hire and landlords won’t rent to, low self-esteem? All of the aforementioned situations can fester inside of a person and suddenly explode, if not released in some way.


RTM Group Services understands that professionals for a fee can treat/handle many of the problems some people face in life. How? More than likely with counseling and medication. We also understand that many people cannot afford the fees doctors, counselors, and/or therapists will charge…which adds to the burden of more stress.RTM Group Services believe there is a need for helping people that are feeling overwhelmed and unappreciated to experience uplifting, empowering, and transforming messages from people that have gone through the same or similar circumstances. These people overcame their past problems of feeling stress, anxiety, depression, and now look forward to the future.


RTM Group Services will host a multi-dimensional conference with empowering and transformative testimonies, workshops, and panel discussions to individuals that need their spirits refreshed. RTM Group Services Conference aims to lift our audience out of the “Pit” and transition them to the “Palace”. Ours speakers will:
• explain to the audience the adversities of life that they faced and how they overcame it
• “YES YOU CAN” testimonies from an array of artists
• encourage the audience to never give up on themselves
• take back your identity
• know you worth and value
• educate the audience on how extraordinary they are
• health, beauty, and wellness (with an array of personal stylists, make-up artists, nutritionist)


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  • Dallas, TX
  • Atlanta, GA
  • Washington, DC
  • New Orleans, LA
  • Los Angeles, CA


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• Female and Male 17-36 (Millenials) and ages 37-52 (Generation X)
• College and Unversity Students
• Boys & Girls Clubs (and similar organizations)
• Women and Men Outreach organizations


• Break-out
• Glam Squad
• Concert